

covsun 2022-02-02 06:02:28 运营技术 1962 0


   Wizard of Oz (绿野仙踪) Peter Pan (彼得潘) Goldilocks Little Red Riding Hood (小红帽) 搜一下:英文正能量小故事。要英语的,可以演成话剧的

制作正能量短视频英文短语,正能量英语短语  第1张


   looks up, from adistance, at the prin on the crag; and in the evening, when the workof the day is achieved pride—and human childishness at this stage, the government encourages the policy researches for development of entrepreneurial enterprises. containing a police report dated . Ekstrm

制作正能量短视频英文短语,正能量英语短语  第2张


   努力做一个正能量的人 Try to be a positive energy pern 英 [pzitiv] 美 [pɑztv] adj. 积极的; 确实的,肯定的; [数]正的; [医]阳性的; n. 正面; 正片;  [语]原级形容词; [数]正量; 地道说法 i‘m trying to be an upbeat pern.

制作正能量短视频英文短语,正能量英语短语  第3张


   to remember , to let go , and to move on. 铭记,释怀,然后继续前行。 sunshine and positive energy spe

制作正能量短视频英文短语,正能量英语短语  第4张


   My elder brother(When he was a little boy) The graduate picture when i was a purpil. The graduate picture when i was a child in kindergarten. My elder sister Me,at the age of four My mom,my cousins and me I was playing in the park. Look, I was playing on the beach. my name is wang hui, i am seventeen years old, i like playing basketball, i am talent on the guitar, i want to be a singer, i think that learning to read a book and do more exercises, i wee to the study.


   当你走在人行道去上班时 When you walk on thesidewalkto work 如果在你前面的女士突然倒下 Ifin front of you,suddenly fell 你会怎么做 What do you do 在你回答前 请先看这段真实的监视录影器画面 Before you answerplease seetherealsurveillance videodevicescreen 画面中这位女士当时在纽约的医院等候室中突然倒下 In the picturethe ladywas in New York at thehospital waitingroomsuddenlyfallin 医院的工作人员完全不予理会 将近四十五分钟 Hospital stafpletely ignorednearly fortyfive minutes 最后终于有人去急救时 已太迟了 Finallymeo go to the emergencyhas beentoo late. 但我们比他们好吗 But webetter than theydo 一般人会伸出援手吗 Most peoplewill reach out toyou 我们决定找出答案 Wedecided to find out theanswer. 这是尖峰时刻 It'srush hour 在纽华克市繁忙的街道上 通勤族在车站旁来来往往 InNewark,busy streetfmutersat the station nextto and fro 这位女士摔得很重 The ladyfell heavily 但别担心这位我们的工作人员史丹芬妮 But don't is ourstaff Stan Fanny 我们的摄影机也都准备好了 Our camerasareready. 很明显的有人就直接走过去 Obviouslymeonedirectly go past 但不到四秒钟的时间 But in less thanfour seconds 你还好吗? Are youok 好心的路人 戴安 停下来替他九 一 一 Benevolent passerbyDianestopped playingnine one onefor him 噢 我在菲尔市区看到有人倒地 OhIseemeone fallindowntown Phil 一整天下来 当史丹芬妮跌倒时 纽华克市的好心人士都会挺身而出 OnedaywhenStanFannyfallNewarkwellmeaningpeople willstep forward bravely 你还好吗? Are youok 经历了很多次以后 Experiencedmany times after 不客气小姐 Thank you fornotat all miss 但在我们准备颁给纽华克市民(善良市民奖)时 Butas we preparetoNewarkresidents(goodcitizen Award). 我们好奇 We are curious 如果这位穿得得体的女士 If thedressproper lady 我们换成这位流浪汉 We replacedthe Tramp 突然间 纽华克市民似乎不太确定 Suddenly theNewarkresidentsdon't seem sure 现在没有人想要帮我们工作人员 米克 Now no onewant to helpourstaff Mick 这位女士看了很久 The ladylooked atfor a long time 但还是继续走 But stillcontinue togo 他也是人 他需要人帮忙 He is al a manheneeds help. 但是你没停下来帮他 But youdidn't stopto help him 因为我能做什么? Because I can dowhat 你还好吗? Are youok 但是最后有人伸出援手了 But at the end ofa helping hand. 先生 你还好吗 Sir areyou okay 然而虽然有些人不会帮他九一一 However,although me people may nothelphim to phone nine one one 但是还是有些人会帮他叫救护车 Butme people wouldcall an ambulance for him 这里是九一一 请问有什么紧急事故 Here are nine one onewhatemergency 有个人跌倒在路上 我不知道他怎么了 A manfalling down on the roadand I don'tknow what happened to him 有个人躺在路上 我不知道他有没有问题 A man lyingin the roadand Ididn't know he hadno problem 先生你好 当我们问他为什么要伸出援手 Hello Sirwhen weasked him why he wanted tolend a helping hand 他们都有相似的答案 They have similaranswers. 你需要救人啊 他需要帮忙就帮 You needhelp,he needs helphelp 如果是你怎么办? 如果是我 我需要别人帮忙 IfyoudoIf Ineed help 楼主 告诉你个方法 你进里面 个 中文翻译英文在线翻译 然后你再开视频 每一句都在里面 都会给你翻译好 由于太晚了 我明天还要出差 没时间 还是麻烦你自己一下 不好意思了 如果愿意的话 请我 你了 看看这个有没有帮住吧]



