

covsun 2022-02-02 10:49:24 运营技术 2270 0


   beautiful school 没有园的意思因为不是学校的花园,而是学校 the beautiful campus the beautiful school the beautiful campus

制作美丽校园短视频怎么用英语说,制作短视频英文怎么说  第1张


   我从网上找到了一些,希望对您有所帮助。 school equipment 学校设施 school gate 校门 school building 教学楼 playgrond 操场 playground equipment操场设施 basketball courts 篮球场 ccor field 足球场 horizontal bars 单杠 parallel bars双杠 national flag platform 国旗台 school rooms 学校科室 principal’s office校长室 vice—principal 副校长室 director’s room 主任室 teacher’s office 教师办公室 treasurer’s room财务室 library 图书馆 gym体操房 lab 实验室 rear service room 后勤室 first aid room保健室 mail room 收发室 classroom 教室 dining room 食堂 computer’s room 机室 conference room 会议室 rest room厕所 rear sevice room 后勤室 classroom light 灯 door window window sill desk 桌子 chair椅子 blackboard 黑板 board eraser chalk platform 讲台 water cooler 饮水机 cab 柜子 T 电视 computer 电脑 cassette recorder cassette painting墙壁画 poster noticeboard map noticeboard wallchart board book书 textbook/ coursebook课本 papers试卷 pencil case铅笔盒 pencil铅笔 pen钢笔 book bag书包 exercise book/练习本 eraser/rubber橡皮 ruler直尺 marker彩笔 crayon蜡笔 notebook笔记本 timetable teacher student uniform School position 学校职务 principal 校长 vice—principal副校长 director主任 specialized teacher 科任老师 teacher in charge of class 班主任 grade department head学年组长 subject department head教研组长 school subject 学校科目 mathematics 数学 Chinese 语文 English 英语 art 美术 music 音乐 computer 机 physical education 体育 cial study 社会 behavioral conduct 思想品德 algebra 代数 geometry 几何 biology 生物学 history 历史 chemistry 化学 history 历史 physics 物理 politics政治 School position 学校职务 principal 校长 vice—principal副校长 director主任 specialized teacher 科任老师 teacher in charge of class 班主任 grade department head学年组长 subject department head教研组长 在我心里,校园是美丽的地方。因为在那儿,有一些小伙伴和我一起学习,一起玩耍,一起分享生活的乐趣。最重要的是,那儿有着我们一年四季不同的回忆。回忆那美好的笑脸。 春天,小草悄悄的探出小帽尖来,好像正在迎接春天的到来。校园旁的鲜花真美丽,这一丛。那一簇,十分美丽。大家穿着春装在操场上又蹦有跳,非常愉快。 夏天,绿树如阴的梧桐树下有几个小朋友在奔跑嬉戏。可是,不懂人心的知了在树上不停的叫喊着:“知了……知了……”但是,树下的几个小孩仍旧玩耍着。可恶的太阳还是热的人们不知如何是好。 秋天,金秋时节,景色宜人。'树上的叶子变成“金蝴蝶”飘落在地上。有的同学捡来做叶印,有的同学捡来做树叶标本,有的同学捡来做妆饰…… 冬天,我们这里很冷,但是还没有下雪。我不论风雨还是坚持做早操。 我们的校园是绿的,无论春。夏。秋。就算是冬天也有青松。然而,最动人的绿是在教室里:“老师是勤劳的园丁,养育着新时代的儿童。”

制作美丽校园短视频怎么用英语说,制作短视频英文怎么说  第2张

3、美丽校园 英文演讲稿

   Not only I have a beautiful campus, in the campus have the gentle and charming geous flowers, the grass and the trees, but al has schoolmates the lively form. spring came! arious flowerspete to open, topete to be the most unusual, the grass al refuses to admit being inferior, makes an effort to be upward long. “the bang rumbling”, a spring rain, let the floret fear suddenly. The rain has stopped, this is, finished class the bell al simultaneously to reund. Teacher has not had says with enough time finishes class, me schoolmates thought that the spacious drill ground played. Teacher said finishes class that a while, schoolmates give the heck with, very fast ran out the classroom. Specially in our class that several mischievous, for instance Yang Yu is honest, Zhang Chenpei ...... came in the summer! The floret was long geously, the grass was long luxuriantly, schoolmate al long was high. The butterfly dances lightly in the flowering shrubs, but the honeybee is bustling about firmly in the flowering shrubs, is not always loaf. Although the burning hot summer approached, but, schoolmates' enthusiasm has not reduced firmly, instead surged upward many. The rean has two points: First, male schoolmate may put on the good looks and graceful manners the shirt; Female schoolmate might al put on the attractive skirt. Second, because we like the summer vacation must arrive, could such words, where want to go to go to where. autumn came! On a tree's leaf piece of piece downward falls, we may use the fallen leaf to make in the artistic class the handwork. The grass, the floret have been al dry, turned the brown color. Schoolmates' clothes have thickened, for fear that catches cold. But al has joyful trying, that was may eat the fresh fruit and vegetable. Like this we might be long strongly! came in the winter! In the drill ground could al not see the flowered, grass's shadow again, only then big tree uncle has only then endured, schoolmates cold straight hit tremble. But male schoolmates finish class time is still active, I did not know really how they are think. Certainly, al has the advantage in the winter, is same as the summer, was must put winter vacation. In our class's schoolmates are much more excited! we the campus not only take to us the infinite knowledge, al lets us feel is joyful and is happy!! 我是翻译机翻译的 丽校园演讲稿 亲爱的老师们、同学们: 大家好! 我们渴望洁净的地球,渴望健康的生命,渴望环保的家园。但我们,更渴望美丽的校园。我今天所演讲的主题就是《爱校如家,携手共建美丽校园》。 今天,当我们走进校园,绿意盎然,树木虽小,已形成了四季长青的园林环境;捧书阅读的同学成为学校一道亮丽的风景线;走上教学楼,教室窗明几净,走廊上干净整洁。看着这些变化,我感慨良多。然而,在这一切美景的背后,我却看见了另一幕。树下,小小的纸团静静地躺着;树枝不知被谁折断了一根;墙壁上还残留这几个乌黑的鞋印,空荡荡的教室内却依旧灯火通明,楼梯的扶手更显得摇摇欲坠......这一切都与我们美丽的校园环境格格不入。 要知道,绿色的校园环境是我们每一个人的共同追,创建绿色校园要从现在做起,从生活点滴做起。从不随地吐痰,不乱抛食品包装物等垃圾做起;从爱护花草、绿化环境做起。从不践踏草坪,不攀枝折花,爱护花草树木做起。随手关灯,节约每一度电;拧紧水龙头,节约每一滴水;捡起地上的纸屑和饮料瓶,保持环境卫生。用绿色的实际行动去影响周围的人,共建一个和谐绿色的校园。 你知道吗?在我国吉林省有一所浑江小学,这所学校仅有年的岁月蹉跎,却依然完好如初,整洁如新。 这说明了什么?在浑江小学,爱护公物不再是一种行为,已成了一种精神,一种态度。古人云:“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。” 爱护公物,应当从爱护学校的一桌一椅做起;应当从爱护学校的形象、声誉做起;应当从爱护个人和他人的尊严做起;应当从担负祖国的繁荣使命做起 当我们在绿树成荫的校园中漫步时,一定会感到心旷神怡。当我们坐在窗明几净的教室中学习时,哪能不全神贯注?当我们在整洁优雅的环境中生活时,定会倍感心情舒畅。优美的环境,让我们懂得珍惜,学会爱护。在优美的校园环境中,我们沐浴着阳光,吸取着知识。我们满怀激情,畅想未来! 老师们、同学们,手边留情花似锦,脚下留情草如茵!爱护学校,是我们的义务;爱校如家,是我们的心声。让爱校如家成为我们每位同学的自觉行动;让我们携起手来,杜绝损坏公物的行为;让我们行动起来,抛掉自自利的陋习,粻稜纲谷蕺咐告栓梗兢去爱护环境,从我做起,从点滴做起,从现在做起,让美丽的校园在我们每个人的精心呵护下变得更加绚丽多姿,更加和谐宜人。

制作美丽校园短视频怎么用英语说,制作短视频英文怎么说  第3张


   make 或者produce或者manufacture。 制作(动词):produce, make, manfacture 制作用英语怎么说 Make 不同语境不一样的。 普通的制作,make,比如做蛋糕什么,做卡片什么的,最普通了。 produce,生产,就厂里面什么的。 manufacture,也是制作,机械里面的制作。 等等 你好! 制作 making 英[mek] 美[mek] n. 制造; 产生的过程; 成功改进的手段; 原料,材料; v. “make”的现在分词; [例句]Ducks 'eggs are particularly prized for cake making. 鸭蛋在做糕饼时,格外重要。

制作美丽校园短视频怎么用英语说,制作短视频英文怎么说  第4张

5、视频短片英语怎么说拜托了各位 谢谢

   楼主好, 视频短片的英文是:video clips canada is the second largest country is the world. it is over coast(海岸)to the east. it __ a. m. in vancouver on the west coast,it is p. m. in st john's on the east coast. english and french people speak english, and about percent of its population live in cities near the us border(边境). ottawa is the capital. every year millions of tourists go there to second biggest frenchspeaking city in the world. the maple leaf is the national symbol of canada. the canadian flag has a red maple leaf on a red white background. ( ) 1. a. west b. east c. uth d. north ( ) 2. a. is b. had c. has d. have ( ) 3. a. which b. what c. where d. when ( ) 4. a. are b. is c. will be d. has been ( ) 5. a. their b. his c. its d. our ( ) 6. a. up b. over c. about d. than ( ) 7. a. see b. visit c. look d. find ( ) 8. a. with b. for c. from d. at ( ) 9. a. a b. an c. the ( ) . a. or b. and c. but d. however


   让我们从小事做起使我们的学校更漂亮 Let us the matter started to do to make our schools more beautiful since the childhood "the government is trying to prevent people from environmental pollution", "let us starts from the minor make our city more beautiful." let's do mething begin very little to make our school more beautiful



