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抖音短视频营销策略论文英文文献,抖音短视频营销策略论文英文文献  第1张


   目录 摘要 I Abstract II 1当前国际营销的状况及成因 3 3 3 4 4 5 7 2精成企业现状及问题分析 8 8 9 9 9 3精成企业的国际市场策略 做好国际产品包装与品种工作  结论 参考文献 致谢 附录一 国际营销的发展前景 附录二 International Marketing Prospects For Development 摘要 加入世界贸易组织不仅给我们整个社会的经济、生活带来巨大变化,而且使国际贸易发生了巨大变革,使在贸易中占据重要地位的国际市场营销活动面临着新的选择和挑战。营销的各个方面,无论是市场调研、市场开拓、营销队伍和营销组合都显现出新经济的作用。一方面,国际市场营销的空间领域扩大了,营销的技术更先进了;而另一方面,营销的复杂性上升了,营销的难度也加大了。中国加入WTO之后,带来的是新的市场游戏规则、新的理念、知识、技术、资金、人才和全球的庞大市场。由于加入WTO后国际市场壁垒的减少,中国企业将有更多的机会在全球发达的消费市场中展示实力和发展自己的事业,实现跨国经营。本文论述了国际营销理论的国内外发展、国际营销的特点、内容和各种环境分析。还有国际营销在我国企业的运用情况,分析了中国中小型民型企业在国际营销中存在的问题,指出了入世后中国企业国际市场营销应对策略以及实施过程。 【关键字】 国际营销;营销策略;产品组合 Abstract After china entered into world trade anization, Great change has taken place. The each aspect of marketing,include market investigation,market explanation and marketing troops,is reflecting new economic the other hand,the realm of the international marketing extended,the technique of the marketing is more advanced; on the other hand,theplexity of the marketing ran high,the difficulties of the marketing enlarge, text This text discussed the international market characteristics,contents of the theories’s domestic and international development,international market with the every kind of environment al discussed the domestic and international development of the international marketing theory,and analyzed the China inside the business enterprise of small scaled people type the problem that exsits in the international market,and point outed into the international market of Chinese business enterprise of a life time empress the market to reply the strategy and into practice the process. Keywords: International marketing;Marketing strategies;Productbination 日...医疗技术联盟网络:在线英语文献检索提示点击以下链接进入图片站的一部分......有些网站没制,你可以看到很多相关文献,还是会发现一些有用的......这一般需要相关专业的bbs可以找到好的文学作品探究国内资源bbs ...

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抖音短视频营销策略论文英文文献,抖音短视频营销策略论文英文文献  第3张


   wikipedia "marketing" 有非常多的连结 中英文都有 Marketing is an integratedmunicationsbased process through which individuals andmunities discover that existing and newlyidentified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of others. Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Asciation as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,municating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and ciety at large. The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy or sell goods or services. Marketing practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is al concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research. Seen from a systems point of view, sales process engineering views marketing as a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions, whose methods can be improved using a variety of relatively new approaches. Marketing is influenced by many of the cial sciences, particularly psychology, ciology, and economics. Anthropology and neuroscience are al small but growing influences. Market research underpins these activities through advertising, it is al related to many of the creative arts. The marketing literature is al infamous for reinventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the culture. Four Ps Main article: Marketing mix In the early s, Profesr Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number ofpany performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of thepany represented a “Marketing Mix”. Profesr E. Jerome McCarthy, al at the Harvard Business School in the early s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and promotion. * Product: The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the enduser's needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support. * Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be mary; it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, . time, energy, or attention. Methods of setting prices optimally are in the domain of pricing science. * Placement (or distribution): refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, pointofsale placement or retailing. This third P has al metimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is ld (. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc. al referring to how the environment in which the product is ld in can affect sales. * Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and pernal selling. Branding refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, orpany. 期 期刊荣誉:aspt刊 cjfd收录刊 【关键词】 忠诚营销; 数据库营销; 亲情营销; 【英文关键词】 loyalty marketing; database marketing; emotion marketing; 【摘要】 高的顾客忠诚度几乎是每一个企业追逐的目标。忠诚营销是针对建立客户忠诚而全面展开的市 场活动和策略。它契合了现代企业的营销实践活动,能帮助企业取得高的市场份额。研究了忠诚营销的内 涵和影响因素。并提出从以下几方面进行忠诚营销:树立以客户为中心的观念,了解客户需提供优质的满 意的产品和;设立顾客关系管理机构;进行数据库营销;制定接触计划;制定开展以提升客户忠诚的亲情 营销。 【英文摘要】 every enterprise wants to go after the high consumer marketing is regarded as marketing strategy which enterprises carry out thoroughly in order to build up consumer loyalty and gain a high market concept and the influencing factors of loyalty marketing are of how to carry out loyalty marketing are presented.

抖音短视频营销策略论文英文文献,抖音短视频营销策略论文英文文献  第4张


    7. Sun Bingshen., editor in chief of enterprise marketing practice. Beijing: Earthquake Press, Fan Mingming, editor in chief. Marketing and planning. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, Peng Chunxian, editor in chief. Network marketing. Beijing: Higher Education Press, Mei Shaozu, et al. Network marketing. Beijing: People's Posts and Telmunications Press, : money etc. editor. Network marketing. Beijing: Higher Education Press, Liu Guangfeng, et al. Actualwork marketing theory and practice. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, P M this Noel Qiao Huicun et al. Marketing research. Beijing: CITIC publishing house, . Philip, Kotler. The introduction to marketing. Beijing: China Press, () the , , ., Sun Xin et al. Online store marketing guide. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, Qu Pengzhi marketing. Second ed. Beijing: Higher Education Press, Feng Yingjian. Network marketing foundation and practice. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, Liu Xinggen ed. modern enterprise marketing. First edition. Beijing: economic management press, Luo Li ed. modern marketing strategy. First edition. Beijing: Modern Press, Chen Fang ed. the diagnosis of enterprise disease. First edition. Beijing: China Economic Publishing House, . kotler: "marketing management", shanghai people's publishing house 2. ji: "marketing guide", published by renmin university of china, edition 6. lan ling, editorinchief "of marketing", the central radio and television university press xiaomin: "marketing case examples and analysis," wuhan university press, yunbo: "marketing strategy planning," china business press, . mr chan kinping, such as: "planning and design planning book" the chinese people's university press . . li: "planning wang," capital university of economics press, ,armstrong principles of marketing ( . philip kotler marketing management (th ed), prenticehall,inc, . payne, peck,h.()relationship mketing for -heinemaan. . perreault, marketing (th ed),richard d irwin . warren marketing management (5th ed) prenticehall,inc, . valued prduct attributes in an emerging marketaparin between french and malaysian consumers . executive insightsglobal marketing managementat the dawn of the new millennium . global standardization as a success formula for marketing in central eastern europe . heterogeneity of regional trading blocs and global marketing strategies . issuefproductstandardisationintheleisureindustry . lesns for paneuropean marketing 。科特勒: “营销管理” ,上海人民出版社年 2 。姬: “市场营销指南” ,出版了中国人民大学, 年 年 年 年版 6 。兰陵,主编“市场营销” ,中央广播电视大学出版社 年 : “市场营销案例分析” ,武汉大学出版社, : “营销战略规划, ”中国商务出版社, 年 。陈建平,如: “规划和设计规划出版的” 。李: “规划王, ”资本经济大学出版社, 年 ,阿姆斯特朗市场营销原理(第年 。菲利普科特勒营销管理(第版) ,普伦蒂斯大厅,, 年 。佩恩, , ( 年)的关系mketing ,计算机集成制造/布特沃斯 heinemaan 。 。 perreault , (第版) , 年理查德欧文 。(第5版)普伦蒂斯大厅,, 年 。策划的价值属性的新兴市场,比较法国和马来西亚的消费者 。执行insights的全球市场营销管理,在新千年来临之际 。全球标准化是一个成功的公式营销中东欧 。异质性的区域贸易集团和全球市场营销战略 。 issuefproductstandardisationintheleisureindustry 。教训泛欧市场



