

covsun 2022-02-02 07:25:07 运营技术 2008 0


   五台山之行 去年夏天,我和爸妈一起去爬五台山。这是我第一次出远门,所以我特别开心和兴奋。在坐了5个小时的火车后,我们达到了山下的一个小城。第二天一早我们就出发了。那天天气很好,开始我一直跑在爸妈前面,但不一会我就有点慢下来了,因为我觉得肩上的背包越来越重。我本来想让爸爸分担一些重量,但我又想起我答应过他我一定会自己背包爬上山顶的,我总不能做一个言而无信的人吧!所以我咬牙继续前进。五台山每每吸引很多游客,其中有一位来自日本的小女孩,看样子才五六岁,却背着一个和我差不多大的背包。当我知道她是自己一个人登山的时候我更惊讶了,我上前想帮她背包,但被她谢绝了,不过她加入了我们,一起进行登山之旅。余下的旅途是最难爬的,我们全部都累坏了,也渴坏了。此间我一直这那个日本小女孩,并在台阶过高时拉她上去。我一直咬牙坚持着……中午的时候,我们一行人终于到达了山顶。我爸妈开心地朝我笑了,我知道那是欣慰的笑 ,因为我是完全靠自己登上这座高峰的!

因此我制作了一个短视频英语,短视频用英语  第1张

2、my interesting winter holiday life

   my winter holiday was very that day i got back to my native hometown,cousins and cousines took me to skiing skill isn't well,got down for times,they laughed at me behind,i can't help smiling day of Spring Festival was the most happiness day,we had meal for the first,a table of delicious food,that made me we played the childrens waving the lightening ticket while watching the adults playing the was beautiful!Like the stars rainning down the the end,it was time to get the red were very exciting,and al go shopping and buying mething we like. Winter holiday life was really abundant!

因此我制作了一个短视频英语,短视频用英语  第2张

3、duty report中译英

   What is travel Travel not only to a certain attractions to visit shoot photography, is an experience you never before experienced life. Travel is a life attitude, a kind of freedom and the pursuit of quiet. When two years ago I set foot on the land of Xinjiang, I was unique in this city attracted by the scenery : Compared to the air and Guilin is dry, but the sky is blue, Peoplee and go to the streets many Uighur wearing apparel, you suddenly thought that came to the Western Regions. Xinjiang beautiful scenery let me, "Landscape enjoys" to the city were al reveling greatly. Where the environment is pure, not too many tourists and noisy, you can make lost in the midst of the landscapes they painted. Xinjiang to Xinjiang to mention snacks. Hand pilaf, lamb Series, yoghurt, pomegranate juice. Ablutely will let you open the taste buds. Travel is such a wonderful beautiful. I love to travel. It Right in your report of any helpBe additional hours

因此我制作了一个短视频英语,短视频用英语  第3张


   A few days ago I read an this article, a man saw a box of apples on his way to his rich friend's home,but he did not pick it up and he believes that his rich friend will give him more food. SO he walked continually , for a while,he reached the river,but the river flooded. The result was that he counldn't get across the river, he waited a moment, and then he said: "Today I can't go to my rich friend's home, because I can't cross the river." Then he began to go he didn't eat anything that day , he started to look for last, he found the apples he had ever seen, and was very glad to take them away to eat from the dust. 不是翻译器翻译的,自己手的,希望能够帮到你,望,! heaven scorpion heaven scorpion :. many people on the scene in the earthquake voluntary aid children without parents fiance . generally speaking, the more you know a country's history and culture, the more you have respect for this country

因此我制作了一个短视频英语,短视频用英语  第4张



